There will be no school in Milan today!
2/9/23. No AMI activities.

This week is National School Counselors Week! Milan C-2 appreciates our Counselors, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Dodson!

Makerspace kiddos broke out the Bee-Bot robots! Today they learned how to program their Bot's movements. They will work with their bots for the next few weeks during makerspace, improving skills in directional language and programming.

Reminder: Another phase of construction will begin soon. Drop-off & pick-up spots will NOT change. After elementary students are dropped off they will walk north to the north breezeway doors. The front parking lot will not be accessible.

This week @ Milan C-2! Dates, times, and locations are subject to change. All students are encouraged to participate in Super Bowl Spirit Week!

Super Bowl Spirit Week is next week….. All students PK-12th grade are encouraged to participate!

https://bit.ly/2XlKxSj Online Registration is OPEN! If you have not already registered your student(s), please follow the link to register for the 2022-23 School Year.

Due to Construction, the playground at Milan C-2 is closed to the public.

Reminder: Another phase of construction will begin soon. Drop-off & pick-up spots will NOT change. After elementary students are dropped off they will walk north to the north breezeway doors. The front parking lot will not be accessible.

Elementary Read-a-Thon T-shirt orders are due tomorrow, 2/3/23. Order forms were sent home with students, or you can follow the link to print one.

Valentine's Dance - February 10th, 2023
4th - 6th Grades 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
7th - 8th Grades 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Milan C-2 Cafeteria

Did you know today is National Women in Sports Day? MSHSAA gave a little shout on to one of our Wildcat Women in Sports, Coach Andrea Dabney!

9-12 Students, mark your calendars!
StuCo has another great event planned for you!
Semi-Formal Sweetheart Dance

Exciting things are happening at Milan C-2! Another phase of construction will begin soon. Drop-off & pick-up spots will NOT change. After elementary students are dropped off they will walk north to the north breezeway doors. The front parking lot will not be accessible.

Now that it is colder outside, please remember coats, hats, and gloves for recess!!! Boots will be needed when there is snow. As long as the wind chill is above 18 F, students will be going outside for recess.

This week @ Milan C-2! Dates, times, and locations are subject to change.

Congratulations to the 2023 MIHISCO King and Queen, Nathan Keck and Gracie Dickson!

The MC-2 School District is excited to host Dr. Joe Sanfelippo on Mon 2/13/23 @8AM. We would like to extend an invitation to area educators to attend his keynote with our staff free of charge.
If you plan to attend, please fill out this form: https://bit.ly/Mc2JoeS

Elementary Read-a-Thon T-shirt orders are due on 2/3/23. Order forms will be sent home with students, or you can follow the link to print one.