🎉📚BOGO Book Fair🎉📚 April 1, 2025 - April 4, 2025 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the MC-2 Library Click the Link to View the BOGO Spring Fair Homepage https://www.scholastic.com/bf/milanelementaryschoolB
about 2 hours ago, Milan C-2
Book Fair
A couple weeks ago, Mrs. Dodson spoke to Mr. Sayre & his Senior shop class about a project dear to their hearts. Thanks to their hard work, Graduation 2025 will be getting an upgrade! They aren't quite finished, but were proud to show off their progress at the end of last week!
about 5 hours ago, Milan C-2 School District
🎉This Week at Milan C-2🎉 Dates, times, & locations are subject to change! Check the events page on the website for updates. https://bit.ly/MC2Events
1 day ago, Milan C-2
This Week @ Milan C-2
JH (7-8) and HS (9-12) football cheerleading tryouts are this week! Practice begins Monday (12:30-3:00), meet in the commons. Practice after school Tues, Wed, & Thurs until 5PM. Tryouts will be held on Friday directly after school.
1 day ago, Milan C-2 School District
Family Fun Day, organized by the Milan Chamber of Commerce will be at Milan C-2 Schools TOMORROW (3/29/25) starting at 11AM and ending at 2PM.
3 days ago, Milan C-2 School District
The Milan C-2 School District is currently accepting applications for a full time Translator. Applicants need to submit a completed “Non-Certified” Application, including the names and contact information of three (3) to five (5) references. Specific language of translation needs is Spanish. This is for the 2025 - 2026 School year. Specific job duties will include, but not be limited to – translating verbal conversation(s) and translating written text. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Mary Jo Sawyer, ESOL Director at 660-265-4414 ext. 1413. The Milan C-2 School District is an equal opportunity employer.
3 days ago, Milan C-2
Translator - Full Time
Reminder: The 5th and 6th Grade Students will travel to Truman State University TOMORROW, 3/28/25. The bus will leave at 7:50 am and return before school is dismissed. Students will eat at the Student Union and need to bring lunch money.
4 days ago, Milan C-2
Field Trip Reminder
Earlier this week, reps from Smithfield and Shoes from the Heart teamed up to provide a variety of tennis shoes for the Milan C-2 Student Needs Closet. Thanks to their partnership students in need will get a brand new pair of tennis shoes for school! Thank you for your support!!
4 days ago, Milan C-2 School District
📸 Mark your Calendars! Spring Picture Day will be Thursday, April 3, 2025! 📸 All students will be photographed. The studio will send a proof of your student's picture home with them. At that time, you will be able to order the photos.
4 days ago, Milan C-2
Spring Picture Day
https://bit.ly/MilanSupt Please follow the link to read Dr. Pauley's Newsletter!
4 days ago, Milan C-2
Pauley Newsletter
🎉Please Join Us in Celebrating Our 2025 Retirees🎉 After years of hard work, dedication, and making a difference, it's time to honor our retirees! 📅April 28, 2025 🕘9:00 am 📍Milan C-2 High School Commons Brunch will be provided
4 days ago, Milan C-2
2025 Retirees
We're having a little fun tomorrow as we celebrate ⚾ Opening Day ⚾ ! Students and staff will be wearing their favorite MLB gear.
5 days ago, Milan C-2 School District
🎉📚BOGO Book Fair🎉📚 April 1, 2025 - April 4, 2025 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the MC-2 Library Click the Link to View the BOGO Spring Fair Homepage https://www.scholastic.com/bf/milanelementaryschoolB
6 days ago, Milan C-2
Book Fair
Milan C-2 would like to thank Felipe Bahena Jr. for his service to our students. Mr. Bahena served on the Board of Education from 2022 - 2025.
6 days ago, Milan C-2
Thank You - BOE
At last Wednesday's Milan C-2 Board of Education meeting, the BOE approved the hiring of Coach Dane Renshaw as the new 7-12 Social Studies/Physical Education Instructor and Assistant Varsity Football Coach. Coach Renshaw will be graduating from Truman State University in May with his Masters in Education. Coach Renshaw played football at Marceline before heading to Truman State University where he met new Head Football Coach, Ben Miller, and is looking forward to being able to work with him and our Wildcat athletes on the sidelines this Fall. Coach Renshaw shared that he's very excited and proud to be a member of the Wildcat family and is excited to get started. Please join us in giving a warm Wildcat Welcome to Coach Dane Renshaw!
6 days ago, Milan C-2 School District
Milan Preschool is Now Collecting Pre-Enrollment Information For the 2025-2026 School Year The first consideration is given to the children who are 4 years of age before August 1, 2025, and who will be eligible for kindergarten the following year. If space is available, children who are 3 years of age before August 1, 2025, will be considered. Pre-enrollment will be incomplete until a copy of your child's birth certificate has been submitted. Click the following link for the pre-enrollment form https://forms.gle/bvj5QD6VrN1dWaz47
7 days ago, Milan C-2
Pre-K Waitlist
📣📅Note the date change! Our Beginning Band Concert will be on Tuesday, April 9, at 6:00 PM in the Elementary Gym. Come support these young musicians as they take the stage and fill the room with music! We can’t wait to see you there! 🎺🥁🎷
7 days ago, Milan C-2 School District
🎉This Week at Milan C-2🎉 Dates, times, & locations are subject to change! Check the events page on the website for updates. https://bit.ly/MC2Events
8 days ago, Milan C-2
this week
Family Fun Day, organized by the Milan Chamber of Commerce will be at Milan C-2 Schools on Saturday, March 29th.
10 days ago, Milan C-2 School District
CONGRATULATIONS Maylee for winning our EPIC Treasure Chest! We're blasting through our adventure to earn as many books as possible! Elementary, register now and invite 10+ contacts to be entered into the drawings for other prizes! https://app.booksarefun.com/MilanES63556.
11 days ago, Milan C-2 School District
Book Blast