Milan FFA Chapter Helps Pack 193,000 Meals for Families in Need
at Missouri State Fair 2024 Drive to Feed Kids Raises 700,000 Meals

Milan FFA Students L to R:
Jazmin Cisneros, Amber Sayre, Avery Sayre, Lexus Fordyce, Addison Sylvester, Gracie Simpson, America Ayala and Destiny De Leon
Read the full press release below!
Milan FFA named Runner-Up in State FFA Agricultural Issues Forum

Fordyce named Area III FFA Star in Agricultural Placement
Fordyce is state runner-up in beef production entrepreneurship proficiency award area

State FFA Degree Recipients

Pictured Left to Right: Lane Fordyce, Kamden DeRyke, Jackson Smith, and Avery Pickering
Landscape Management Proficiency Award

Kamden DeRyke
FFA Receives $50,000 Grant
A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO OUR FFA!!! Our FFA will receive roughly $50,000.00 toward a total project amount of $82,169.00 to implement an Agricultural Machinery Class. The money will be used to purchase a skid steer, attachments, & trailer. #MissouriFFAFoundation

Milan FFA Knowledge Team National Champions

The Milan C-2 School District is a National FFA champion team. The four-member team from Milan captured the FFA Knowledge Leadership Development Event on Tuesday, Oct 31st, during the 2023 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.
The Milan C-2 team qualified for the national competition in the FFA knowledge category by securing first place at the Missouri FFA Convention held in April in Columbia. The team members, as identified by the Missouri FFA Association, are Lexus Fordyce, Gracie Simpson, Addison Sylvester, and Hayden Courtney, with Jarred Sayre serving as their advisor.
Each state had the opportunity to advance one team to the national FFA competition.
The Missouri FFA Association has reported that knowledge teams dedicate numerous hours to studying for the 100-question test that covers FFA history and details about the National FFA Organization.
This team completed a perfect season last spring, receiving first place at all competitions they attended. The group began with winning a few practice competitions in March. They continued to work and took first place at the Area III and Northeast District competitions. This qualified them for the Missouri State FFA Leadership Development Event in April, where they yet again took first. The team continued to prepare, study and take numerous tests to succeed at the National Competition this past week. Congratulations to the students for winning the 2023 National FFA Quiz Competition.
Local FFA Members Awarded National American FFA Degree
Pictured: Jarred Sayre Advisor, Brady Sayre, Blake Eitel, Michael Pipes, Zack Banner and Advisor Logan Fullerton, Not Pictured Marcos Lopez and Bobbi Ann Richardson

Local FFA Member Adan Callejo selected to perform with National FFA Band at 2023 National FFA Convention & Expo

Milan FFA Area III Proficiency Award Selections

Blake Eitel Selected as Area III FFA Star Farmer

Milan FFA Livestock Team Competes at the American Royal

On Sunday, Oct 17, 2021 The Milan FFA Livestock team competed at the American Royal Livestock Contest in Kansas City. The team placed 3rd at the Missouri State FFA contest in April, in order to qualify to compete at the Royal, all of the teams competing at this event were required to qualify from their prospective state associations. The team was required to judge 10 classes of livestock and give six sets of oral reasons. After the completion of the judging, the Milan FFA team placed 8th. Emma Whitlock placed 7th high individual at the contest, she also placed in the top 10 individually in all of the judging classes. Congratulations to the team as they have had a great year of judging livestock.
Milan FFA Trap Shooting Team Ties for Third at State Shoot

On Saturday Oct 9 the Milan FFA Trapshooting team competed at Missouri State Trap Association State Fall Classic in Linn Creek, MO. The team shot 465 out of 500 targets, that score putting the team in a 3 way tie for 3rd place at the shoot. Team members pictured above Jarred Sayre Advisor, Blake Eitel shooting a 92/100, Blayton Dibble 97/100, Greyson Smith 92/100, Michael Pipes 97/100 and Braydon Rardon 87/100. Congratulations to the team on having such a great year. A huge thank you to all of our supporters who helped with the entry fee and finding ammunition for the boys throughout the season.
Milan FFA Livestock Evaluation Team places third in state competition

The Milan FFA Chapter placed third in the livestock evaluation career development event at the 93rd Missouri FFA Convention. There were 25 teams in the competition.
The team members include Emma Whitlock, Blake Eitel, Bobbi Ann Richardson, and Mallan Cole. Whitlock placed ninth, Eitel placed 19th, Richardson placed 21st and Cole placed 52nd out of 88 participants. The Milan FFA advisors are Cassie Cowles and Jarred Sayre.
Participants in the contest evaluate beef, sheep, and swine using performance records and physical appraisals. The team members present oral reasons on three of six classes they judged to defend and explain the placing of the class.
Sponsored by the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, this CDE is one way the FFA prepares student members for career success. CDEs engage student learning and make a real connection to lifetime goals.
The Missouri FFA has 25,662 members representing 351 chapters. The national organization has more than 760,000 members representing 8,739 chapters in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
Smith of Milan FFA Chapter named Area 3 Star Farmer

The Missouri FFA Association recognized Ryan P. Smith of the Milan FFA Chapter as the Area 3 Star Farmer at the 93rd Missouri FFA Convention. His parents are Bradley and Jenny Smith of Harris. His advisors are Jarred Sayre and Cassie Cowles.
Area Star Farmers are chosen based upon outstanding production agriculture in the student’s supervised agricultural experience program and active participation in FFA. Area 3 includes 24 chapters in the Northeast District.
MFA, Inc., Columbia, sponsors the 16 area Star Farmer awards and the State Star Farmer Award.
Smith’s SAE includes row-cropping, raising cattle, a mowing business, and working for Smith Farms. He began with the purchase of five SimAngus two-year-old, first-calf heifers. Previously, he cash-rented 13 row-crop acres. His responsibilities have increased from cultivating and disking, to running his own farm. Smith also has a mowing business including five yards, two cemeteries, and North Missouri Livestock Auction, Milan. He now owns 10 breeding cows and nine non-breeding calves. Smith also works for Smith Farms, a diversified crop and livestock farm, raising soybeans, corn, hay, and cattle.
Smith served as area parliamentarian and chapter vice president. At state, he was on the FFA knowledge leadership development event team that placed 12th. Smith also participated in parliamentary procedure LDE, and dairy cattle evaluation, and poultry career development events. He received second in the area fiber and oil crop production proficiency award. Smith attended Washington Leadership Conference and was a graduate of Helping Youth Maximize Agricultural Experiences Academy.
In addition to FFA, Smith is a member of the National Honor Society and served as junior class vice president. He also is on the Milan C-2 Baseball Team. Smith is a member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Whitetails Unlimited. Through the organizations, he assists with community fundraising.
After graduating high school, Smith’s plans include attending North Central Missouri College, Trenton, to study animal science and agricultural business. Smith said his goal is to obtain employment in the agricultural field and continue working on the family farm.
The Missouri FFA has 25,662 members representing 351 chapters. The national organization has more than 760,000 members representing 8,739 chapters in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
Cole and Smith Earn State FFA Degree

Local FFA members receive the state’s highest FFA honor
Mallan Cole and Ryan Smith of Milan will receive the State FFA Degree, the highest degree members can receive at the state level.
The Milan FFA members are one of the 858-degree recipients receiving the honor during the State FFA Degree Ceremony at the 93rd Missouri FFA Convention, April 30 – May 1, on the Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia.
Awarding of the degree is based on a member’s supervised agricultural experience program in agribusiness or production agriculture and leadership ability as demonstrated through involvement in FFA, school, and community activities. The State FFA Degree award charms are sponsored by MFA Inc., Columbia.
“The State FFA Degree is the highest recognition a state can award, representing a select group of members, who have achieved a high level of success,” said State FFA Advisor Leon Busdieker. “On the national level, Missouri has the largest number of American FFA Degree recipients of any state. In October 2020, 505 Missouri FFA members received the American FFA Degree.”
Show-Me More is the theme for this year’s Missouri FFA Convention.
The Missouri FFA has 25,662 members representing 351 chapters. The national organization has more than 760,000 members representing 8,739 chapters in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
Milan FFA knowledge team places third in state competition

The Milan FFA Chapter placed third in the FFA knowledge career development event at the 93rd Missouri FFA Convention. There were 26 teams in the competition.
The team members include Adan Callejo, Jackson Smith, Danika Shepherd, and Kyla White. Callejo placed ninth, Smith placed ninth, Shepherd placed 16th and White placed 20th out of 94 participants. The Milan FFA advisors are Cassie Cowles and Jarred Sayre.
The knowledge teams spend numerous hours studying for the 100-question test covering FFA history and information on the National FFA Organization.
Sponsored by the Northwest Missouri State University Agriculture Department, this contest is one of many ways the FFA prepares student members for career success. CDEs engage students in learning and make a real connection to lifetime goals.
The Missouri FFA has 25,662 members representing 351 chapters. The national organization has more than 760,000 members representing 8,739 chapters in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
Click HERE to view the full Proclamation!


Brett Sayre of Milan won the Missouri FFA Agricultural Education Proficiency Award In April and competed at the National level receiving a gold rating.
Sayre, a graduate of Milan C-2 Schools, is the son of Jarred and Missy Sayre. He is a member of the Milan FFA Chapter. His advisors are Jarred Sayre and Cassie Cowles.
Sayre’s supervised agricultural experience program involves tutoring for the A+ Cadet Teaching program for the Milan C-2 agricultural education classes. Sayre taught lessons in animal science, horse production, and entomology. In addition, he served as a group leader during an annual petting zoo and worked with third graders through Agriculture in the Classroom.
In FFA, Sayre served as chapter president. He competed at the state level in the parliamentary procedure, and horse evaluation and selection career development events. Sayre is a graduate of Helping Youth Maximize Agricultural eXperiences Academy and attended Washington Leadership Conference, National FFA Convention & Expo, and State FFA Leadership Camp.
In addition to FFA, Sayre was a member of the National Honor Society and participated in baseball and basketball. Outside of school, he is a member of the First Baptist Church and volunteers during Vacation Bible School.
Sayre is a student at the University of Missouri, Columbia, studying agricultural business management. After graduating, Sayre said he wants to pursue a career in agricultural business with an emphasis on animal science.
Proficiency awards recognize FFA members who excel as agriculture entrepreneurs, employees, or volunteers while gaining hands-on career experience. Agricultural Education is one of 46 proficiency award areas recognized at the state level. The James F Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation sponsored this national award.
The Missouri FFA has 25,945 members representing 348 chapters. The national organization has more than 700,000 members representing 8,612 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

INDIANAPOLIS (National FFA Organization) – Each year, the National FFA Organization honors FFA members who show the utmost dedication to the organization through their desire to develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
The American FFA Degree is bestowed upon a select group of students in recognition of their years of academic and professional excellence. This year 4,136 American Degrees were awarded.
Quinn Doak, Courtney McCollum, Clayton Moore, members of the Milan FFA chapter in Milan Mo, was awarded the American FFA Degree at the 93rd National FFA Convention & Expo Oct. 27-29, held virtually.
Sponsored by Case IH, Elanco Animal Health, and Syngenta, the award recognizes demonstrated ability and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing, or service programs.
To be eligible, FFA members must have earned and productively invested $10,000 through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program in which they own their own business or hold a professional position as an employee. Recipients must also complete 50 hours of community service and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and civic involvement through the completion of a long list of FFA and community activities. Less than one percent of FFA members achieve the American FFA Degree.
Each recipient of the American FFA Degree receives a gold American FFA Degree key and certificate after being recognized at the national convention.
The National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 760,000 student members as part of 8,700 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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About National FFA OrganizationThe National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 760,000 student members as part of 8,700 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. For more, visit the National FFA Organization online at and on Facebook and Twitter.
About National FFA FoundationThe National FFA Foundation builds partnerships with industry, education, government, other foundations, and individuals to secure financial resources that recognize FFA member achievements, develop student leaders and support the future of agricultural education. A separately registered nonprofit organization, the foundation is governed by a board of trustees that includes the national FFA president, educators, business leaders, and individual donors. For more, visit

Clayton Moore of Milan won the Missouri FFA Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication Proficiency Award and was a national participant in this award area.
Moore, a graduate of Milan C-2 High School, is the son of Chet and Stephanie Moore. He is a member of the Milan FFA Chapter. His advisors are Jarred Sayre and Cassie Cowles.
Moore’s supervised agricultural experience program consists of an internship with the North Central Missouri Electric Cooperative (NCMEC). As a part of his internship, Moore was paired with experienced linemen to learn about energy delivery. Moore began building meter boxes and learned to set poles and check transformers. At the conclusion of his internship, Moore was offered a full-time position with the cooperative.
In FFA, Moore served as chapter president and an officer in the Area 3 Association. He competed in the state dairy cattle evaluation and livestock evaluation career development events receiving a Group I rating in both events. In 2019, Moore won the Missouri FFA Forage Production Proficiency Award and won both Grand Champion Steer and Grand Champion Heifer at a national livestock show. He attended Washington Leadership Conference, National FFA Convention & Expo, and Missouri FFA Convention.
In addition to FFA, Moore was a member of the Milan High School student council. He is a member of Linn County 4-H, Missouri Club Calf Association, and National Junior Angus Association. Moore is a member of the Milan Christian Church.
Moore plans to continue working with NCMEC. He is working on his required training to become a journeyman lineman. Moore said that after a few years he would like to start a show-cattle operation and purchase farm acreage.
Proficiency awards recognize FFA members who excel as agricultural entrepreneurs, employees, or volunteers while gaining hands-on career experience. Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication one of 46 proficiency award areas recognized at the state level.
The Missouri FFA has 25,945 members representing 348 chapters. The national organization has more than 700,000 members representing 8,612 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April 20, 2020 – Brett Sayre of Milan won the Missouri FFA Agricultural Education Proficiency Award.
Sayre, a graduate of Milan C-2 Schools, is the son of Jarred and Missy Sayre. He is a member of the Milan FFA Chapter. His advisors are Jarred Sayre and Cassie Cowles.
Sayre’s supervised agricultural experience program involves tutoring for the A+ Cadet Teaching program for the Milan C-2 agricultural education classes. Sayre taught lessons in animal science, horse production, and entomology. In addition, he served as a group leader during an annual petting zoo and worked with third graders through Agriculture in the Classroom.
In FFA, Sayre served as chapter president. He competed at the state level in the parliamentary procedure, and horse evaluation and selection career development events. Sayre is a graduate of Helping Youth Maximize Agricultural eXperiences Academy and attended Washington Leadership Conference, National FFA Convention & Expo, and State FFA Leadership Camp.
In addition to FFA, Sayre was a member of the National Honor Society and participated in baseball and basketball. Outside of school, he is a member of the First Baptist Church and volunteers during Vacation Bible School.
Sayre is a student at the University of Missouri, Columbia, studying agricultural business. After graduating, Sayre said he wants to pursue a career in agricultural business with an emphasis on animal science.
Proficiency awards recognize FFA members who excel as agriculture entrepreneurs, employees, or volunteers while gaining hands-on career experience. Agricultural Education is one of 46 proficiency award areas recognized at the state level. The Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association sponsored this award.
The Missouri FFA has 25,945 members representing 348 chapters. The national organization has more than 700,000 members representing 8,612 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April 20, 2020 – Clayton Moore of Milan won the Missouri FFA Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication Proficiency Award.
Moore, a graduate of Milan C-2 High School, is the son of Chet and Stephanie Moore. He is a member of the Milan FFA Chapter. His advisors are Jarred Sayre and Cassie Cowles.
Moore’s supervised agricultural experience program consists of an internship with the North Central Missouri Electric Cooperative (NCMEC). As a part of his internship, Moore was paired with experienced linemen to learn about energy delivery. Moore began building meter boxes and learned to set poles and check transformers. At the conclusion of his internship, Moore was offered a full-time position with the cooperative.
In FFA, Moore served as chapter president and an officer in the Area 3 Association. He competed in the state dairy cattle evaluation and livestock evaluation career development events receiving a Group I rating in both events. In 2019, Moore won the Missouri FFA Forage Production Proficiency Award and won both Grand Champion Steer and Grand Champion Heifer at a national livestock show. He attended Washington Leadership Conference, National FFA Convention & Expo, and the Missouri FFA Convention.
In addition to FFA, Moore was a member of the Milan High School student council. He is a member of Linn County 4-H, Missouri Club Calf Association and National Junior Angus Association. Moore is a member of the Milan Christian Church.
Moore plans to continue working with NCMEC. He is working on his required training to become a journeyman lineman. Moore said that after a few years he would like to start a show-cattle operation and purchase farm acreage.
Proficiency awards recognize FFA members who excel as agricultural entrepreneurs, employees, or volunteers while gaining hands-on career experience. Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication one of 46 proficiency award areas recognized at the state level. Ahrens Steel and Welding Supply, Columbia, Missouri, sponsors this award.
The Missouri FFA has 25,945 members representing 348 chapters. The national organization has more than 700,000 members representing 8,612 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
Savanna Linhart, Erin Richardson and Kaleb Weaverof Milan has received the State FFA Degree, the highest degree members can receive at the state level. The Milan FFA Chapter members are one of a record 988 degree recipients receiving the honor.
Prior to 2020, the number of recipients was limited to 3 percent of the Missouri FFA Association members. Now earning the degree is based on minimum specific qualifications. "Missouri FFA members have always considered earning the State FFA Degree an honor,” said Missouri FFA Association Advisor Leon Busdieker. “Instead of limiting the number of individuals eligible to earn the degree, the Missouri FFA Association has established a minimum set of qualifications, increasing the number of recipients. This gives students a more defined path to recognition."
Awarding of the degree is based on a member's supervised agricultural experience program in agribusiness or production agriculture, and leadership ability as demonstrated through involvement in FFA, school, and community activities.
The State FFA Degree award charms are sponsored by MFA Inc., Columbia.
The Missouri FFA has 25,945 members representing 348 chapters. The national organization has more than 700,000 members representing 8,612 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.